Immerse Yourself in the
Transcendent Beauty of Abstract Art
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Small Paintings on Paper
Featured Painting
Ethereal Spheres, acrylic and collage on cradled wood panel, 24x24”
Ethereal Spheres is an experimental painting, beautiful and mysterious. Click on photo for more information.
Green Bay I and II
This pair of paintings are based on an older landscape depicting the bay of Green Bay, Wisconsin, from the eastern shore of Door Peninsula, looking south toward the city of Green Bay. My intertwining abstract shapes obscure the landscape very effectively, and I enjoy the patterns and color palette.
Green Bay I, 36x24” on 7/8” deep canvas. Click on image for more information.
Green Bay II, 36x24” on 7/8” deep canvas. Click on image for more information.
Tree Alphabet Series
Ogham Tree Alphabet series concerns the ancient Irish alphabet usually seen as marks engraved on stone. Each letter was related to a tree. It is known as the Beth-Luis-Nion alphabet or the Ogham Tree Alphabet. In this series I am using images of each particular type of tree, and creating an abstract painting that includes some reference to the tree or its parts.
Alder / Fearn, 30x30” on 7/8” deep canvas. Click on image for more information.
Willow / Saille, 30x30” on 7/8” deep canvas. Click on image for more information.
Ash / Nion, 24x24” on 7/8” deep wood panel. Click on image for more information.
Dancer I and II
Dancer I, acrylic and collage on 12x12x0.875” wood panel, unframed, $150.
Dancer II, acrylic and collage on 12x12x0.875” wood panel, unframed, $150.
Paintings shown with virtual frames, in a virtual setting.
Dancer I and II are collaged circles in a grid pattern, with a large variety of shapes, patterns, and colors, with a contrasting background. The lively circles suggest movement, like dancers. Click on individual painting image to purchase.
Doors of Perception Series
The Doors of Perception series symbolizes how each individual being is unique, and naturally sees the world slightly differently, we are all part of nature, and have more in common than we have differences. The images are circular or circle-themed, created using collage and painted papers, and surrounded by loosely painted green brush strokes as well as various marks and lines to show our fluid environment. Humanity can solve any challenge we face, if we unite as a species and take collective action.
Doors of Perception I. Click on image for more information.
Doors of Perception II. Click on image for more information.
Doors of Perception III. Click on image for more information.
Doors of Perception IV. Click on image for more information.